Operating Life Test (OLT)

The IC Operating Life Test (OLT) simulates a long-period of work environment with accelerated temperature and voltage alterations in a short period of time, in which the Bathtub Curve is divided into 3 sections namely Infant Mortality (Early Life Failure), Useful Life, and Wear Out. Different test methods are applied for different failures.

What we can do

  • BI(Burn-in) / ELFR(Early Life Failure Rate):For assessing failure rate in the Early Failure section, or for reducing Early Life Failure Rate via the Burn-in approach. The rate is indicated by DPPM (Defect Parts Per-Million
  • HTOL(High Temperature Operating Life):For assessing the span of operating life, indicated by FIT or MTTF.

There are also test methods and test conditions corresponding to different product categories, such as HTGB (High Temperature Gate Bias) / HTRG (High Temperature Reverse Bias) / BLT (Bias Life Test) / IOL (Intermittent Operation Life).
All the above test conditions require a power supply or signal source to activate the device into working condition or stability. Cycling alteration of Acceleration Factors (voltage and/or temperature) is imposed to the sample for aging effects, the test results are used for calculating the failure rate, FIT (Failure In Time) and MTTF (Mean Time To Failure).

Failure model

See below for a summary of statistics and failure causes at three section of the Bathtub Curve:

  • Infant Mortality:Failure rate goes down quickly from high to low as most failures are design / process flaws rooted
  • Useful Life:Failure rate remains low and steady with random causes to failure (e.g., EOS failure)
  • Wear Out:Failure rate rises sharply due to product aging

Applied Industry

  • Products for automotive/business/industry/ consumer

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